Happy Holidays from RA

Dec 22, 2023

In a season aglow with festive delight,
When snow blankets the world in purest white,
Amidst the jingles and joyful cheer,
A tale of mail, starts to become clear…

Through the crisp air,
a sleigh of paper and ink,
Delivering wishes, each thought in sync.
With stamps adorned like ornaments bright,
On envelopes sealed, secrets take flight.

The postman, a modern-day Santa with glee,
Navigates lanes and each snow-kissed tree.
His sleigh on wheels is a mail truck you know,
Bringing warmth and joy through the winter’s snow.

In every mailbox, a gift does reside,
Not wrapped in a bow, but with feelings inside.
A letter from family, a friend’s heartfelt word,
In each heartfelt message, the holiday spirit is stirred.

The importance of mail during this festive season,
Echoes through every rhyme, and every poetic reason.
Connecting us all, no matter how far,
Bringing love closer, like a twinkling star.

So, here’s to the mail, a holiday delight,
A conduit of love, pure and bright.
In every card sent and every parcel unwrapped,
The magic of Holidays, is forever tapped.

6363 State Highway 161 #510
Irving, TX 75063