Where’s My Mail? Tracking and Reporting for Direct Mail Campaigns

Sep 18, 2023

As a business that relies on direct mail for success, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of how your campaigns are performing. Tracking and reporting tools provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of your mailings, allowing you to make data-driven decisions and optimize your strategies.

1. USPS Informed Visibility: The USPS Informed Visibility platform is a powerful tool that provides real-time tracking and reporting for your mail pieces. By leveraging barcodes and intelligent mail technology, you can track the progress of your mailings from the moment they enter the USPS system until they reach their destination. This tool offers detailed visibility into delivery times, location scans, and even delivery confirmation.

2. Mail Optimization Software: Investing in mail optimization software can revolutionize your direct mail campaigns. These software solutions offer advanced features such as address cleansing, presorting, and commingling capabilities, which help reduce postage costs and improve delivery times. Additionally, they provide comprehensive reporting on mail processing, allowing you to track costs, monitor efficiencies, and ensure accurate financial accountability.

3. Intelligent Mail Barcode (IMb): The Intelligent Mail Barcode is a unique barcode that combines multiple tracking and reporting functionalities into a single barcode. By incorporating the IMb on your mail pieces, you can track individual pieces, monitor delivery progress, and receive notifications when your mail reaches certain milestones. This barcode also enables address correction services, ensuring your mail reaches the intended recipients even if there are address errors.

4. Return Mail Tracking: Return mail can be a valuable source of data for improving your direct mail campaigns. By implementing return mail tracking tools, you can identify undeliverable addresses, update your mailing lists, and reduce wasted resources. These tools provide insights into the reasons for undeliverable mail, allowing you to refine your targeting and improve overall campaign efficiency.

5. Mail piece Imaging: Though not technically a tracking method, mail piece imaging offers the actual “eyes-on” assurance many mailers require, to know that mail is being inducted into the USPS mail stream. RA can even provide LTL delivery confirmation for destination entry postal processing, providing further direct evidence that your mail is where it’s supposed to be, and goes where it’s supposed to go.

Ready to take your direct mail campaigns to the next level? Contact RA today to learn how our mail tracking and reporting tools can help you achieve maximum success. Let’s start optimizing your direct mail and driving down your postage costs today!

6363 State Highway 161 #510
Irving, TX 75063